In 2024, we are on track to deliver nearly 5,000 toys to our partnering hospitals and clinics. We need your help now more than ever to sustain our 24 bravery boxes and lead us into 2025! Our hope is to increase our reach in 2025 by one additional bravery box!

You can help by committing to any of these three ways to support our cause:

Help us Host 25 toy drives in 2025!

The average number of toys brought in by a toy drive is around 200 toys! We are looking for 25 people, organizations, or businesses to commit to hosting 25 toy drives in 2025! We anticipate needing 5,000 toys in 2025 to keep our bravery boxes stocked and helping kids!

Set up a recurring donation

By setting up a recurring donation, you help us not only fulfill our commitments today, but also plan for the future.

One $25 donation fills a bravery box for 1 week

One recurring $25 donation fills a bravery box for 3 months!

Make a one Time Donation!

Give a one-time donation of $25 today! This ensures that a bravery box gets filled for one week! No matter what amount you are able to give, you can be confident that you are helping to reward bravery and moving us forward to placing our 25th Bravery Box in 2025!